It deals with a determination method of oxygen content in ammonia storage tank by concentration method.
——期刊摘选Code for construction and acceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank.
——期刊摘选Hydrogen storage tank, high point shall be equip with vent line, lowest point shall have drain.
贮氢罐的最高点应设放空管, 最低点应设排污管.
互联网Calculate the number, loading and unloading, and storage tank volume oil facilities.
计算出储油罐容积 、 个数 、 装卸油设施.
互联网Two general structures for opening and reinforcement in the wall of large - scale oil storage tank, i.
介绍了大型油罐罐壁开孔补强的两种常用结构, 即补强圈搭接和插入式补强结构.
互联网A storage tank for hot water.
互联网The two grid dome is one of the new large roofs of oil storage tank.
互联网The interior of the oil storage tank is provided with separation explosion - proof material.
在储油罐内设置有阻隔 防爆 材料.
互联网The scientists considered putting a small mechanical mixer in the storage tank.
互联网A variety of equipment, storage tank and water tank insulation, corrosion - resistant engineering borers.
各种设备 、 储罐及水池的保温 、 耐蛀防腐工程.
互联网The article can guide the atmospheric storage tank, to eliminate leakage phenomenon and avoid safety accident.
互联网Two 2 rubber pipes are attached to the water storage tank.
互联网Use extra length extension thermostat to extend into water storage tank.
互联网He fed storage tank with gasoline.
互联网Two rubber pipes are attached to the water storage tank.
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